

This API is used to search for AI > Recognition > SnapedObjects snapshot objects.

Request Message

Parameter Description

Table 1

StartTime"2020-07-12 00:00:00"stringSearch start time
EndTime"2020-07-1223:59:59"stringSearch end time
Chn0~MAX_PARA_CHN_NUMarrayThe channel to search for, the value represents the channel
Type[1, 2]arrayType to search for, for example: 1-Humanoid, 2-model, 3-PID humanoid, 4-PID model, 5-LCD humanoid, 6-LCD model
Engine0intSearch engines (0 and 1)


POST /API/AI/SnapedObjects/Search HTTP/1.1
	"data": {
		"MsgId": null,
		"StartTime": "2018-10-20 00:00:00",
		"EndTime": "2018-10-28 23:59:59",
		"Chn": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],  
		"Type": [1, 2],       				
		"Engine": 0,

Response Message

Parameter Description

Table 2

ResultintSearch results for captured subjects (including people, cars, etc.),See the resultTable x
Count0intThe actual number of objects captured

Table x

Result typeDescription
AORT_SUCCESS = 0succeed
AORT_NO_DB = -1No database
AORT_DB_EXEC_FAILED = -2Database execution failure
AORT_CALC_FEATURE_FAILED = -3Feature extraction failure
AORT_CANCELED = -4canceled
AORT_NO_DISK = -5No hard disk
AORT_DISK_ERROR = -6Hard disk error
AORT_EXIST = -7Already exist
AORT_GROUP_INVALID = -8Group invalid
AORT_NOT_EXIST = -9inexistence
AORT_MORE_FILE_EXIST = -10File already exists
AORT_SEARCH_ERROR = -11Search error
AORT_OVER_MAX_COUNT = -12upper limit exceeded
AORT_UPDATING_FEATURE = -13Updating feature values
AORT_NO_USABLE_IPC = -14There is no IPC vailable for eigenvalue calculation
AORT_INVALID_PARAM = -15invalid parameter
AORT_INVALID_FORMAT = -16malformed
AORT_INVALID_RES = -17resolution error
AORT_INVALID_MEM = -18File too large error
AORT_CREAT_FAILED = -19create failed
AORT_MD5_NOT_MATCH = -20MD5 mismatch
AORT_POS_ERROR = -21wrong location
AORT_SIZE_ERROR = -22size error
AORT_NOT_READY = -23not ready
AORT_INVALID_DB = -24invalid database


Response messages and request messages may not contain all the fields in the table above. If no fields are included, the device does not support this parameter configuration.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
	"data": {
		"MsgId": null,
		"Result": 0, 
		"Count": 600 

Error Code

See Response Messages Body and Common error_code for more information.